Burning Buildings | Elton John | Supertesti.it

Burning Buildings

Testo Burning Buildings

It used to be a sweet sensation
No price too high for love
Now I pay for this bitter taste
And the price is not enough

Such cruel sport for your kicks
Such hard knocks on my heart
How long before the pain ends
Tell me where living starts

And lovers leap off burning buildings
Waking up on a sky high wire
Desperation leaves us clinging
On the edge of a house on fire

Lovers leap off burning buildings
Live our life on borrowed time
Every flame that ever moved you
Touched your lips but never mine

Lovers leap off burning buildings

No room for conversation
Cold stares and angry words
Fall in pieces from our faces
We read "do not disturb"

Some lovers just go hungry
Others beg for just a bite
You use me under pressure
To whet your appetite

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